Thursday 28 May 2015

Blunt runaway Princess 露骨な逃走プリンセス (english lyrics)

Blunt runaway Princess
Rokotsu na tousou purinsesu
The Outspoken Escape Princes
Frank Princess on a run
or whatever you want to call it
By UtataP  うたたP GUMI
Tohoku Zunko 東北ずん子
鳥居羊 Torii hitsuji

Deceive me just a little longer?
Master! A girl from the sky!

I've come from the stars
Because my vehicle had been broken
Lifeboard from the stars
won't come so I had gone out

Hey, locan person over there
Will you guide me?
You don't believe me, but
Can you believe at least a half of it?

Black-clothed were chasing after me
They are bad so we have to run away, right?
If they catch up, they'll kidnap me
Take me with you and run?

I don't have any passports so
Can you lend me a hideout?
A place where is fun
Hurry up and hide me?

WOW WOW YEAH let's fly
WOW WOW YEAH to a party
Get lost and open it

WOW WOW YEAH nuisances
WOW WOW YEAH kick them out
WOW WOW YEAH because you are here
Hold my hand, are you on my side?

"Those are secret extraordinary news.
A certain Top-secret country's princess has gone missing.
In confidential ships was called the intelligence
to secretly start searching.
We haven't found her so far."

Do you have to go
back to the stars?
You want to stay hidden,
bad people are looking for you?

Do you have a feeling
that you know this planet?
Is for you being with me
at least a little important to you?

Do you think there are
important things on my planet?
Maybe you haven't noticed, but
you want to pretend you can't see it?

WOW WOW YEAH let's fly
WOW WOW YEAH let's melt
WOW WOW YEAH to a party
Get lost in the fun

WOW WOW YEAH nuisances
WOW WOW YEAH pretend you don't see them
WOW WOW YEAH take me and run
Hold my hand, are you on my side?Deceive me just a little longer?

I know someone translated it already but I don't care, okay? XD UtataP *w*! This song is awesome, the WOW WOW YEAH remembers me of Invader Invader by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu o-o

* Okay, so I'm translating and it seems kinda normal which is STRANGE because this is UtataP and then I realized that the last syllables are written in Katakana!! Like when you writE wordS anD thE lasT letteR iS capslockeD.. like it was a message!! X-X but I haven't found anything, it doesn't make a sense..のしらのらいるたけてうたけるたちらねらうてて.. So maybe it's random.

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