Tuesday 29 April 2014

► 雨のち天晴れ english lyrics

Clear sky after the rain
雨のち天晴れ, 五條真由美, 青木久美子, 浅田直
Amenochi appare (tenhare) Mayumi Goyo, Aoki Kumiko, Asada Nao

Yawns are coming up, 5 hours lessons and I'm not paying attention
Who do you think I am? Where the hell am I?
Chalk is jumping on the desk, I stand up in sense...
You feel like tohoho?! Remorse? yeah it is

Clouds will hide the sky, crying
Above the clouds, the great sun is laughing

Happy lucky in my life, clear sky after the rain
If you look back, you can see the rainbow
Happy lucky in my life, sorry for being optimistic
Cry or smile, just enjoy the 24 hours!

The secret is not a joke, the problem is too much suffering
It's too terrible for my age
No matter how issue the homeworks are, the end of the year will come
You feel like ahahaha?! Easy victory? yeah it is

No signs of decline, tomorrow will be dazzling
In the darkness of the night, everything will be finished

Unbalanced ballanced idillyc blis
Because there are too many changes in the life
Unbalanced ballanced clear shap
Closing or bloopering, if you turn upside down, you're living perfectly!

Happy lucky in my life, clear sky after the rain
Always, always, the above is bright
Happy lucky in my life, sorry for being optimistic
Even after the storm, life will sprout and flowers bloom~☆

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