Wednesday 14 May 2014

► こころ酒 Kokoro sake (English lyrics) 藤あや子

Heart alcohol
こころ酒 Kokoro sake
藤あや子 Fuji Ayako
三浦康照 山口ひろし

If you're here, behaving like a spoiled child
I'll endure it even if it's painful
That's the woman's monologue
Lonely drinking to forget
Shall we drink?
Shall we drink the heart alcohol?

In the blurred cage of the rain
Spilled flower, keep on living strong
If you cover your tears of pain
Your chest will be connected to tomorrow's morning
Shall we warm up?
Shall we warm the heart alcohol up?

Asking you, the wound from the past
for some reason hurts suddenly
The mean memories
Throw them away, the woman has come alone
Shall we drink?
Shall we drink the heart alcohol?

Just a quick translation, I'm writing an essay and I don't want to xD For some reason I think that Ayako sings about drinking alcohol a lot?

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