Tuesday 3 June 2014

► Mr.Children - Hanatareru (english lyrics)

Mr.Children - Hanatareru
(ミスターチルドレン - 放たれる )
Sakurai Kazutoshi 桜井和寿

The trapped feelings are now  silently being released
Opening the heavy, cold door  I feel a faint light
I almost gave up the dream, hope, longing and happiness
Looks like the morning glory is extending to the sky,  the light is pulling in

To the right, to the left Each time I'm lost the vines are winding
I want to climb into the Sun And you, come here too
I want to be wrapped in the gentleness of the warmth again
Even if you shake me off there's still one love  so I'll have to be strong

One day I'll happen to have more messy urges to hurt myself
And can't blame anyone for the bad luck before me
But right now  what I'm sure about is that I was born
and I have the luck to live too that's the only proof of the love now

Like thorns of trifoliate oranges protecting the sharp myself in every way
But there's nothing to fear now, I'm trying to believe that

Far away in the memory  you spreaded your arms
And embraced me  like you were protecting a big thing
I can feel that comfort forever

Even if I won't be touched by the gentleness of the warmth again
There'll still be one love  that is making me strong
That's why there's nothing to fear anymore, my heart is now gently released to the sky

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